
High School of Business™ Summer Training Institute 2025

Monday, June 23 - Thursday, August 7, 2025
Click here to register! 
Deadline to Register: May 31, 2025


See Full Participation Requirements Below

Trainings for first-year teachers (Pedagogy and Principles of Business) will take place in Denver, CO. The remaining trainings will take place online as live, virtual trainings via Zoom for whole-class instruction and discussion, as well as team breakouts.

PLEASE NOTE: Principles of Finance training will be offered in the summer instead of the fall this year. 

In both training settings, teachers will participate in project-based learning, discuss ideas with peers, complete planning assignments, and work within teams. Trainers will be live, delivering assignments to be completed in class and/or offline, with required turn-in times. Attendees must attend the training sessions in their entirety for the scheduled hours, as listed. No exceptions.

NOTE ABOUT PRICE OPTIONS: Only select the FIRST TEACHER price if you are the first ever HSB teacher from your school to take the training. All other teachers should select the ADDITIONAL TEACHER price as you are not the first HSB teacher from your school to take the training. 

NOTE ABOUT COURSE GUIDES: Schools only need to pay for this one time. If another teacher from your school has already attended the trainings you're registering for (in other words, if you are registering as ADDITIONAL TEACHER), DO NOT select the course guide for purchase. You will receive a complimentary copy.

If you have any questions about what to select for your registration, please do not hesitate to contact HSB Program Administrator Zulfa Rizqiya at


Training Schedule

In Person - Denver, CO (Times listed below are in MT.)

  Mon 6/23 Tues 6/24 Wed 6/25 Thurs 6/26
Year 1 Teachers*





Principles of Business


Principles of Business



Virtual, Live - ZOOM (Times listed below are in ET.)

  Tues 7/8 Wed 7/9 Thurs 7/10 Fri 7/11
Year 2 Teachers*

Principles of Marketing


Principles of Marketing


Principles of Finance


Principles of Finance



  Mon 7/14 Tues 7/15 Fri 7/16

Year 3 Teachers*

Principles of Management**


Principles of Management/
Business Strategies** 


Business Strategies** 



Principles of Management**



Business Strategies**




Optional July 17 - Aug 7, 2025
Year 1 Teachers* 

Leadership: 3-week online, asynchronous course training

*Typical training path by year for HSB teachers; not a one-size-fits-all. Your school may follow a different training path.
**Combined, 3-day course. If you have already attended one of these courses, you may attend the Principles of Managment-only or Business Strategies-only portion of the 3-day training. 

Registration Information

  • Payment options: Payment is due when you register for training. We accept American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa.
  • Pay with checks or purchase orders: If paying later by check or purchase order, please email Zulfa Rizqiya at and send payment to: 
    MBA Research & Curriculum Center
    PO Box 12279
    Columbus, OH 43212
  • Session times may vary by day and are concurrent; register for only one course per day. Sessions offered at Summer Training Institute are not offered at Fall Training Institute.
  • Airfare, mileage, hotel, and meals are not covered in your training registration fees.

In-Person Training Location

  • APS Professional Learning and Conference Center
    15751 E 1st Ave
    Aurora, CO 80011

Hotel Information

We do not have a room block reserved. However, here are some nearby hotels: 

Meal Information

For in-person training: 

  • Breakfast will be on your own
  • Lunch will be provided
  • Dinners: Tentatively, on Monday and Wednesday, we will go to dinner together as a group. Separate checks will be provided. Details will be provided in your training sessions.

HSB Participation Requirements

Attendees must attend the training sessions in their entirety for the scheduled hours, as listed. No exceptions. This applies to both in-person and virtual trainings. Virtual trainings are LIVE—you will need to ensure you're available for the entire training. 

If you arrive late or leave early, you will not receive your documentation of participation and will not be permitted to teach the course. School administrators will be notified of incomplete participation or attendance. No refunds will be given for incomplete attendance. 

  • Documentation of participation and credit hours will be provided after training.

  • CEUs are available through Valley City State University. One credit is offered for completion of each two-day session. A separate email will include registration and cost information.

Mandatory Pre-Training Webinar

  • Pedagogy Pre-training Webinar: Pedagogy registrants MUST attend.
    Date: TBA (Early June 2025)
    Pedagogy registrants will receive the webinar link via email.

Supplies Needed for Training

  • School laptop or personal computer  

  • School calendar for 2025-26 planning

  • Strong wireless Internet connection and backup Internet plan (for virtual training):

    • Personal hotspot

    • Nearby library or school parking lot with Wi-Fi, if all else fails


Contact Zulfa Rizqiya at